Dive into a vast range of scholarly topics with Casemate Academic‘s Series, where you’ll find an extensive collection that caters to diverse academic fields of study such as archaeology, anthropology, religion, history, literature and philology, material culture and more. Each series offers unique perspectives and professional insights, making it easier for you to access comprehensive scholarly works that are crucial for your research.Â
- A
- ACE Reports
- ACE Studies
- ADB Development Effectiveness Reports: Private Sector Operations
- ADB Perceptions Survey
- ADB Sustainability Reports
- ASEAN Corporate Governance Scorecard
- ASEAN+3 Bond Market Guide Series
- Abraxas / Essays
- Abusir
- Academic Primers
- Action Anthropology/Aktionsethnologie
- AdSec/INSAG Series
- Advances in Archaeobotany
- Adventures in New Lands
- Aesthetics
- Africa in Theology - Theology in Africa / Afrika in der Theologie - Theologie in Afrika /: L'Afrique
- African Development Perspectives Yearbook
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- Afrikanische Studien/African Studies
- Afrikanische Theologie / African Theology / Théologie Africaine
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- Archaeolingua Minor Series
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- Archaeology of the Niah Caves
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- Arte, Devozione e Scienza | I Musei della Sanità Toscana
- Artistic Traditions in World Cultures
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- Asia Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Monitor
- Asian Development Outlook (ADO) Series
- Asian Economic Integration Monitor
- Asian Economic Integration Reports
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- Asien: Forschung und Wissenschaft/LIT Studies on Asia
- Athenaia
- Atlantic Cultural Studies
- Atmospheric Spaces
- Attraverso la Fotografia
- Australian National University Monographs on South Asia
- Austria: Forschung und Wissenschaft - Philosophie
- Austria: Forschung und Wissenschaft - Wirtschaft
- Autonomie und Politik / Autonomy and Politics
- Außenpolitik - Diplomatie - Sicherheit/International Relations - Diplomacy - Security
- The Archaeology of Mediterranean Landscapes
- The Archaeology of the Lower Ouse Valley
- B
- BIAA Monographs
- BIAA Occasional Monograph Series
- BSA Studies
- Banea Monograph
- Bannu Archaeological Project
- Bedfordshire Archaeology Monograph
- Beiträge zum Verstehen der Bibel / Contributions to Understanding the Bible
- Beiträge zum zirkumpolaren Norden -: Contributions to Circumpolar Studies
- Beiträge zur Afrikaforschung
- Beiträge zur Archäologie/Contributions to Archaeology
- Beiträge zur Missionswissenschaft / Interkulturellen Theologie - Contributions to Mission Studies
- Biblioteca del Caffè
- Biblioteca della Nuova Antologia
- Biblioteca della Nuova Antologia | Fondazione Spadolini Nuova Antologia
- Biblioteca di Letteratura
- Biblioteca di Medicina & Storia
- Bijdragen in de studie van de metaaltijden
- Birlinn Historical Guides
- Boetia
- Bornais
- Bremer Forschungen zur Kriminalpolitik
- Bridge21 Contemporary Chinese Literature
- Britannia Monograph
- Britannia Monographs
- British Historic Towns Atlas
- British Institute for Libyan and Northern African Studies Monograph
- British Institute for Libyan and Northern African Studies Open Access Monograph
- British Institute of Persian Studies, Archaeological Monograph Series
- British Museum Press Occasional Paper
- British Museum Research Publications
- Brücke-Archiv
- Butrint Archaeological Monographs
- The Buccleuch Houses
- C
- A Compendium of Scottish Ethnology
- CAU Landscape Archive Series: Historiography & Fieldwork 2/Mucking 6
- CAU Landscape Archives: New Archaeologies of the Cambridge Region
- CAU Landscape Archives: New Archaeologies of the Cambridge Region Series
- CAU Must Farm/Flag Fen Basin Depth & Time Series
- CBA Archaeology for All
- CBA Practical Handbook
- CBA Research Report
- CINÉMA&CIE: International Film Studies Journal
- COVID-19 in Asia and the Pacific Guidance Notes
- Cambridge Archaeological Unit Urban Archaeology Series
- Cambridge Classical Journal Supplements
- Campaign Chronicles
- Canada Cahiers
- Cardiff Studies in Archaeology
- Caspian Affairs
- Cataloghi dell’Accademia delle Arti del Disegno
- Celtic Studies Publications
- Central Zagros Archaeological Project
- Centro Studi sulla Civiltà toscana fra ’800 e ’900 | Fondazione Spadolini Nuova Antologia
- Ceramics in America Annual
- Chiasmi International
- Childhood in the Past monograph
- Children's Corner
- Church Polity and Ecumenism.: Global Perspectives
- Cinema
- Cinema and Contemporary Art
- Circumpolar Studies
- Climate Change, Coming to a Court Near You
- Colección de EnergÃa Nuclear del OIEA
- Colección de seguridad fÃsica nuclear del OIEA
- Collection Sécurité nucléaire de l’AIEA
- Collection normes de sûreté de l'AIEA
- Collection Énergie nucléaire de l’AIEA
- Comparative Analysis of Tax Administration in Asia and the Pacific
- Contexts of and Relations between Early Writing Systems (CREWS)
- Contributions to Circumpolar Anthropology
- Corollaria Crustumina
- Corpus Antiquitatum Aegyptiacarum
- Country Diagnostic Studies
- Country Sector and Thematic Assessments
- Cretan Studies: New Approaches and Perspectives in the Study of Hellenistic, Roman and Early Byzanti
- Crime and Contemporary Art
- Critical Guides to French Texts
- Critical Guides to Spanish & Latin American Texts and Films
- Cuneiform Texts from Nimrud
- Current research in egyptology
- Cylinder Seals
- D
- Dakhleh Oasis Papers
- Dakhleh Oasis Project Monograph
- Deliciae Fictiles
- Demokratie und Entwicklung
- Design Meanings
- Deutsches und internationales Wirtschaftsrecht
- Development Effectiveness Review (DEfR)
- Development in Humanities
- Diari e Memorie
- Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society
- Drift Maps
- E
- An Environmental History of Scotland
- EAC Guidelines
- EAC Occasional Papers
- East Anglian Archaeology Monograph
- Ecology and Economy in Anthropology
- Ecosystems for Technology Startups in Asia and the Pacific
- Ed. Nazionale delle opere di Lorenzo Valla | Opere Linguistiche
- Ed. Nazionale delle opere di Lorenzo Valla | Opere religiose
- Ed. Nazionale opere di Leon Battista Alberti | Testi | Opuscoli e frammenti
- Ed. Nazionale opere di Leon Battista Alberti | Testi | Trattatistica morale
- Egyptian Sites
- Einführungen und Quellentexte zur Ägyptologie
- Einführungen: Theologie / Introductions: Theology
- Empirische Theologie/Empirical Theology
- English Gold Coinage
- Erlanger Studien zur Anglistik und Amerikanistik
- Ethnologia Balkanica
- Ethnologie / Anthropology
- Ethnologie: Forschung und Wissenschaft
- Europa Orientalis
- Europa als politischer Raum
- European Archaeological Council Occasional Paper
- Exam Prep
- Excavations at Flixborough
- Excavations in the Portus Magnum of Alexandria
- Excavations of the Czech Institute of Egyptology
- eJIM Supplements
- F
- Fabric Folios
- Fokus Fortifikation Studies
- Folk High School Research
- Fondazione Primo Conti | Inventari
- Forschungen zu Sprachen und Kulturen Afrikas
- Forum Christen und Juden/Forum for Christians and Jews
- Forum Kultur
- Forum Orthodoxe Theologie
- Forum Politische Geographie
- Forum Religionsphilosophie
- Fragility and Sustainability – Studies on Early Malta, the ERC-funded FRAGSUS Project
- Frankenthaler Porzellan
- Fremdsprachendidaktik in globaler Perspektive
- Frieden - Versöhnung - Zukunft: Afrika und Europa. Paix - Réconciliation - Avenir : L'Afrique et l
- G
- H
- HBR's 10 Must Reads
- HMP Research Series
- Haddenham Project
- Halle Studies in the Anthropology of Eurasia
- Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution Through Skills Development in High-Growth Industries in
- Hasekura League Intercultural Studies Editions
- Hasekura League Studies
- Hebrew Literature in Dialogue / Littérature hébraique en dialogue / Hebräische Literatur: im Dia
- Hebridean Folk Songs
- Hereditas Archaeologiae Hungaricae
- Hispanic Transnational Studies
- Historische Geographie / Historical Geography
- History
- Honor Frost Foundation General Publication
- Honor Frost Foundation Research Publication
- Humanistica
- Hungarian Archaeological Heritage
- I
- I Georgofili | Atti della Accademia dei Georgofili
- I Georgofili | Quaderni
- I Libri della Badia
- I Maestri dell’Accademia di Belle Arti di Firenze
- I Quaderni della Colombaria
- I Quaderni della Colombaria | Classe di Scienze storiche e filosofiche
- I grani
- IAEA Human Health Reports
- IAEA Human Health Series
- IAEA Nuclear Energy
- IAEA Nuclear Energy Series
- IAEA Nuclear Security
- IAEA Nuclear Security Series
- IAEA Nuclear Security Series (Russian ed.)
- IAEA Radiation Technology Series
- IAEA Radioisotopes and Radiopharmaceuticals Reports
- IAEA Radioisotopes and Radiopharmaceuticals Series
- IAEA Safety Standards Series
- INSAG Series
- INTAMS Studies on Marriage and Family/INTAMS-Studien zu Ehe und Familie
- Il Segnalibro
- Images of the The National Archives
- Impact of the Ancient City
- Impulse der Reformpädagogik
- In 100 Objects
- Industrial Archaeology Review
- Integrity Risks and Red Flags in Projects
- Intercultural Theology and Study of Religions
- International Comparison Program
- International Nuclear Verification Series
- International Practical Theology
- Internet Economics / Internetökonomie
- Internet-Beiträge zur Ägyptologie und Sudanarchäologie
- Interreligious Studies
- Intertwining
- Italian Frame
- Italianistica nel mondo
- The Iranian Highlands. Early Societies between Resilience and Integration
- J
- K
- Katalog der antiken Bildwerke
- Key Indicators for Asia and the Pacific
- Kitab – Egyptology in Focus
- KlangKulturStudien/SoundCultureStudies
- Knots of Time
- Komparative Philosophie für eine globale Welt
- Kultur: Forschung und Wissenschaft
- Kulturwissenschaft / Cultural Studies / Estudios Culturales / Études Culturelles
- The Kyrenia Ship Final Excavation Report
- L
- LIT Premium
- LIT literarisch
- La Cuccagna | La ricerca della felicità in cucina
- Lancaster Imprints
- Le Colonne
- Le non guide
- Le ragioni dell’Occidente
- Levant Supplementary Series
- Libro veritÃ
- Libro verità | Nuova Serie
- Libya Archaeological Guides
- Lincoln Archaeology Studies
- Lingener Studien zu Management und Technik. Lingen Studies for Management and Technics
- Literature
- Literature | Language
- Literaturwissenschaft
- Lost History
- Ludographie - Spiel und Spiele
- M
- Magyar Várostörténeti Atlasz/Hungarian Atlas of Historic Towns
- Manuali
- Maritime Encounters
- Material Religion in Antiquity
- Maury Catalogue
- McDonald Institute Monographs
- Mededelingen van het Rijksmuseum voor Volkenkunde
- Medicina
- Medieval Warfare Special
- Memory Traps
- Middle Kingdom Studies
- Midgard-series
- Militärgeschichte/Military History
- Mittel- und Ostmitteleuropastudien
- Mobilität und Gesellschaft
- Multidisciplinary Approaches to Ancient Societies (MAtAS)
- Music
- Münsteraner Judaistische Studien
- The Making of the West Midlands
- The Munro Archive Project. Studies on the Unas Cemetery in Saqqara
- N
- Narrative Missiology / Missiologie narrative / Narrative Missiologie
- Neolithic Studies Group Seminar Papers
- New Archaeologies of the Cambridge Region
- Nijmegen Buddhist and Asian Studies
- Nijmegen Studies in Development and Cultural Change (NICCOS)
- Nodi e snodi | Percorsi dell’umano
- Non-serial Publications
- Nordic Academic Press Checkpoint
- Nordic Studies in Religion and Culture / Nordische Studien zur Religion und Kultur
- Nordic Studies in Theology / Nordische Studien zur Theologie
- Nuove ricerche di storia
- O
- OCMA Monograph
- OUSA Monograph
- Object in Focus
- Objectivities
- Office of the Special Project Facilitator's Lessons Learned
- Open Series in Prehistoric Archaeology
- Opera Facultatis philosophicae Universitatis Carolinae Pragensis
- Osteuropa
- Out of series
- Oxbow Classics in Egyptology
- Oxbow Insights in Archaeology
- Oxbow Monographs
- Oxbow/Joukowsky Institute Publication
- Oxford Archaeology Monograph
- Oxford Archaeology Occasional Paper
- Oxford Centre for Maritime Archaeology Monograph
- Oxford University School of Archaeology Monographs
- orientalia - patristica - oecumenica
- P
- Pacific Economic Monitor
- Pacific Presences
- Palaeohistoria
- Paleo-aktueel
- Papers in Historical Linguistics
- Papers on Archaeology of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities
- Papers on Archaeology of the Leiden Museum of Antiquities (PALMA)
- Passaparola
- Pastoral Care - Spirituality - Interculturality / Seelsorge und Spiritualität interkulturell
- Perspectives on Development
- Philosophie - Sprache - Literatur
- Philosophie in der Schule/Philosophy in Schools/Philosophie à l'École
- Philosophie: Forschung und Wissenschaft
- Philosophy
- Philosophy and Psychology in Dialogue / Philosophie und Psychologie im Dialog
- Philosophy in Dialogue / Philosophie im Dialog
- Philosophy in International Context/Philosophie im internationalen Kontext
- Politics
- Politikwissenschaft
- Polonistik im Kontext
- Potential Exports and Nontariff Barriers to Trade
- Praehistoria
- Pre-Christian Cult Sites
- Prehistoric Ceramics Research Group Occasional Papers
- Prehistoric Research in the Körös Region
- Prehistoric Society Research Papers
- Proceedings of the 9th ICAZ Conference
- Proceedings of the ICAZ Conference
- Proceedings of the Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference
- Psychologie
- Psychologie: Forschung und Wissenschaft
- Psychology
- Pubblicazioni del Centro di Studi sul Classicismo
- Public-Private Partnership Monitor
- Publications of the Netherlands Institute at Athens
- Pulitzer Prize Panorama
- Puspika
- Pyschology
- The Private Collection Series
- Q
- R
- ROOTS Studies
- Racism Analysis - Series A: Studies
- Recht: Forschung und Wissenschaft
- Rechtslinguistik
- Reflective Practice Research
- Region - Nation - Europa
- Regionen in Europa / European Regions
- Relicta Monografieën 19
- Religione e Religiosi in Toscana
- Religionen in der pluralen Welt. Religionswissenschaftliche Studien
- ReligionsRecht im Dialog / Law and Religion
- Religious Studies in Interfaith Contexts/Religionswissenschaft in interreligiösen Kontexten
- Rencontres du MAN
- Reports of the Research Committee of the Society of Antiquaries of London
- Research Reports
- Research Reports of the Society of Antiquaries of London
- Review
- Rijks Geschiedkundige Publicatiën Grote Serie
- Roman Provincial Coinage
- Romanistik
- Roots Booklet Series
- Römische Studien der Bibliotheca Hertziana
- The Roman Amphitheatre of Chester
- The Roman Imperial Coinage
- S
- SSEA Publication
- Safety Reports Series
- Saggi di Fotografia e Architettura
- Samarra Studies
- Scales of Transformation
- Schwimmende Architektur - Bauen am und auf dem Wasser / Floating Architecture - Constructions on and
- Scotichronicon
- Scottish Burgh Survey
- Scottish Historical Review Monograph
- Series Minor
- Seriya norm MAGATE po bezopasnosti
- Sheffield Environmental and Archaeological Research Campaign in the Hebrides
- Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology
- Shift/ Philosophical Series
- Ships and Boats of the North
- Ships and boats of the Canopic Region in Egypt
- Short Histories of North Africa
- Sidestone Press Dissertations
- Silsilaẗ al-amn al-nawawī
- Sirwan Regional Project Publications
- Small States: Economic Review and Basic Statistics
- Social Science
- Society for Libyan Studies Conference
- Society for Libyan Studies Monograph
- Society of Antiquaries Occasional Papers
- Società toscana per la storia del Risorgimento | Studi
- Sociological Challenges
- Sociology
- Southampton Monographs in Archaeology
- Southampton Monographs in Archaeology New Series
- Southeast Asian Modernities
- Southern Ethiopian Studies at the Frobenius Institute
- Speculum Civitatis
- Spink Living History
- Stadt- und Raumplanung/Urban and Spatial Planning
- Stadt- und Regionalforschung
- Standard Catalogue of British Coins
- Storia dello Spettacolo
- Storie del mondo
- Storie del mondo Tascabili
- Studi e testi di arte, lingua e letteratura
- Studi su Dante
- Studia Aegyptiaca Series Maior
- Studia ad Archaeologiam Pazmaniensia
- Studien des Freiburger Instituts für Grundeinkommensstudien (FRIBIS) an der Albert-Ludwigs-Universi
- Studien zur Eisenzeit im Ostalpenraum
- Studien zur Geschichte, Kultur und Gesellschaft Südosteuropas
- Studien zur Linguistik
- Studien zur Orientalischen Kirchengeschichte
- Studien zur internationalen Umweltpolitik/: Studies on International Environmental Policy
- Studies from the Internet on Egyptology and Sudanarchaeology
- Studies in Cultural Transfer and Transmission
- Studies in Funerary Archaeology
- Studies in Intelligence History
- Studies in the Theory of Action
- Studies on Cultural Transfer and Transmission
- Studies on Religion and Culture / Studien zu Religion und Kultur: Religious Communities and Sustaina
- Studies on Religion in South India and Sri Lanka
- Studying Scientific Archaeology
- Sunrise
- Sunway Academe
- Sunway Shorts
- Sunway University Professorial Lecture Series
- Swedish Rock Art Research Series
- Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum
- Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles
- The Schliemann diaries
- The Stewart Dynasty in Scotland
- The Stonehenge Riverside Project
- The sanctuary on Keros and the origins of Aegean ritual practice
- T
- TRAC Themes in Roman Archaeology
- Taboui
- Talentförderung - Expertiseentwicklung - Leistungsexzellenz
- Technical Reports Series
- Testi e Studi
- Thames Valley Landscapes Monograph
- Theologie
- Theologie des geistlichen Lebens
- Theology East - West: European Perspectives / Theologie Ost - West: Europäische Perspektiven
- Theology in Africa
- Theology in the Public Square/Theologie in der Öffentlichkeit
- Tilburg Theological Studies/Tilburger Theologische Studien
- Toscanelli
- Toscani Super DOC
- Toscanoni
- Toscofolcloristici
- Transkulturelle Kommunikation
- Tübinger Forschungen zur Historischen Archäologie
- Tübinger Perspektiven zur Pastoraltheologie und Religionspädagogik
- U
- The Underwater Archaeology of the Canopic Region in Egypt
- Udine/Gorizia Conference Proceedings
- Underwater Archeology in the Canopic Region in Egypt
- Universitario
- Universitario | Architettura
- Universitario | Arte moderna e contemporanea
- Universitario | Ingegneria
- Universitario | Lettere
- Universitario | Scienze Naturali
- Universitario | Sociologia
- Universitario | Storia
- Universitario | Storia dell'Arte
- Universitario | Teatro
- University of British Columbia Studies in the Ancient World
- University of Cambridge Museum of Classical Archaeology Monographs
- Urban Graveyard Proceedings
- V
- W