
Oxbow Advent Calendar 2022 – Day 24

Island Archaeology The final day of our Oxbow Advent brings us to the islands; while some are tropical and others exotic, each holds a valuable piece of human history! Did… READ MORE

Oxbow Advent Calendar 2022 – Day 23

Coinage & Economy You’re one step close to riches and wealth with Day 23 of our Oxbow Advent as these books are all about ancient coins and markets! Use code ADVENT23 when… READ MORE

Oxbow Advent Calendar 2022 – Day 22

Post Medieval Day 22 of our Oxbow Advent brings us a little closer to the present with our Post-Medieval and Modern selection of books! Use code ADVENT22 when shopping at Casemate Academic to get… READ MORE

Oxbow Advent Calendar 2022 – Day 21

Maritime Archaeology It might be a little too chilly to head to the beach this time of year, but we’ve got you covered with our Maritime History & Archaeology books… READ MORE

Oxbow Advent Calendar 2022 – Day 20

Archaeology from the Roman Provinces We covered Roman books earlier this month already, but what about its outlying provinces? For Day 20 of our Oxbow Advent we’re featuring Archaeology from… READ MORE

Oxbow Advent Calendar 2022 – Day 19

Archeological Method & Theory We’re taking it all the way back for our final days of our Oxbow Advent, as it’s all about Method & Theory books today! Use code ADVENT19 when… READ MORE

Oxbow Advent Calendar 2022 – Day 18

Architecture, Heritage & Art History Day 18 of our Oxbow Advent dawns upon sprawling rooftops and dazzling art arrays. The theme for today is all about Architecture, Heritage & Art… READ MORE