American Landscapes is a series published by Oxbow Books. The aim of the series is to provide an informed overview – from a holistic landscape perspective – of the history and changing land use of particular areas/regions or archaeological/historical themes in North America. Titles may be single-authored or, occasionally, edited papers on a particular theme of landscape history or archaeology, a region, or related landscape settings across wider areas and timeframes. Wider themes might include the influence of and human relationships with particular landscape features such as woodlands, vegetation zones, river catchments, or with animal species like buffalo and horse; or present discussions on, for instance, rock art, migration, indigenous religious practices, or aspects of state and national parks.
Each volume should provide a comprehensive and accessible narrative aimed at the informed reader, presenting an up-to-date review of the latest research from archaeology, anthropology, historical studies and the environmental sciences. An appendix of key sites/landscapes to visit and their accessibility is desirable as is a glossary of terms where applicable.
American Landscapes Editorial Board
T. R. Kidder
Timothy Schilling
Peter Topping
Julie Gardiner
Submitting a Proposal
Your proposal will be considered by the series Editorial Board and passed to the Oxbow Editorial Committee for final approval if it is considered suitable for the series. All completed American Landscapes manuscripts are read by at least one member of the Editorial Board and we may seek an external opinion. Open Access options are available.
Please include the following information:
- Title and author(s)
- A summary (up to one page), including background to the project
- List of contents and brief chapter summaries (a paragraph for each is sufficient)
- The introduction (if there is one) and a sample chapter if the work is already underway
- Proposed timetable for submission of manuscript to publisher. Please be realistic
- Word count (approximate is fine), not including tables. If extensive endnotes (footnotes are not permitted in this series) are likely please make an allowance in your calculation as these can severely affect the overall number of printed pages and print costs and hence the budget we put in place
- Approximate number of pages of tables
- Number of illustrations and type of illustrations (eg color photos, line-drawings) (approximate is fine). Please note that color is still comparatively expensive and may require a subvention towards print costs in order to keep down retail price
- Any competing titles and proposed readership
- Other relevant information such as grants available, a conference, event or other deadline that the book should be published in time for, and particular groups or organizations which it is particularly relevant for/could be marketed to
- CV or biographical info on author/editors NB abbreviated CVs are fine, we don’t need complete article lists
Following the above guidelines, all proposals should be sent to Oxbow’s head of publishing: Julie Gardiner (