Andrea Germani graduated in Philosophy at the University of Bologna. He is currently a PhD candidate in Law and Human Sciences at the University of Insubria, where he is conducting research on sovereignty, legitimacy and decisionism in European absolutism, focusing on their role in state-building processes. His research interests include political legitimacy and consensus building, with particular attention to authoritarian governments.
Michele Olzi received his PhD degree in Medical Humanities from the University of Insubria (Varese, Italy) in 2019. His research project focused on the life and work of the Italian psychoanalyst Emilio Servadio (1904-1995). His interests include the genesis and analysis of political symbols and myth in Modernity, the relationship between power and sexuality within Western civilization, and authors and political themes connected to Technognosticism (including Vögelin, Baudrillard, Erikson and MacLuhan).
Federica Rauso graduated in Law at the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli. She is currently a PhD candidate in Medical Humanities at the University of Insubria. Her main study interests include the philosophy of social science and symbolic-political hermeneutics of art. Her work focuses on the relationship between identity and civil rights, and the evolution of the socio-political approach to diversity, specifically in relation to processes of exclusion of the psychotic subject and to gender issues.
Maria Rosaria Vitale received her PhD degree in Political Sciences from the University of Catania in 2020. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow in Political Philosophy at the University of Catania.Her research focuses on hate speech and its politico-theoretical implications, and the relationship between identity and freedom of speech. She is member of the editorial board of several peer-reviewed journals.