This work presents the newest trends appearing in the field of Roman Law particularly devoted to the fault-based liability – culpa – that were addressed at the International Conference organised by the Faculty of Law and Administration of Warsaw University in February 2010.
Articles written by Merola, Rampazzo and Tucillo touch the problem of culpa in the public law. The authors concentrated on the question of liability of public officers and their culpa or negligence during the performance of their duties. The social scope of culpa as the prerequisite for a censorial note has been presented by Tarwacka. Adamo addressed some important aspect of fault-related liability in criminal law dealing with the regulations of Theodosian Code. Private law side fault based-liability in contracts was presented by Benincasa and Kordasiewicz. They both analysed contracts used in maritime trade, the former regarding armature’s partnership, the latter in the aspect of the transition from objective liability to the liability based on fault in the case of guarantee for the goods admitted by the sailor. Manni and Święcicka devoted their studies to the delictual liability based on culpa. Finally, Alonso and Urbanik attempted to present culpa-liability in the light of papyrological sources, confronting Roman Law sources and documents of legal practice.
These studies provide a wealth of information on the law of antiquity in the subject of liability based on fault, both in the aspect of private and public law.
Table of contents:
C. Cascione & C. Masi Doria, Prefazione -- vii
A. Adamo, Di alcune ipotesi di colpa nella legislazione criminale del Codice Teodosiano -- 3
J.L. Alosno, Fault, strict liability, and risk in the law of the papyri -- 19
Z. Benincasa, Pro portionibus exercitionis conveniuntur. Sul problema della responsabilità di plures exercitores qui per se navem exerceant -- 83
S. Kordasiewicz, La colpa e la responsabilità del tutore -- 105
A. Manni, Noxae datio del cadavere e responsabilità -- 115
G. D. Merola, Accertamento della responsabilità e mantenimento dell'ordine il ruolo del centurione -- 159
N. Rampazzo, Note sulla responsabilità del giudice e dell'arbitro nel processo romano -- 181
P. Święcicka, La colpa aquiliana e il ragionamento dei giuristi romani. Alcune riflessioni sulla struttura dell’argomentazione e delle regole di preferenza nel discorso dogmatico giurisprudenziale in tema di danneggiamento -- 201
A. Tarwacka, "Censorial Stigma" and the Problem of Guilt -- 241
F. Tuccillo, Alcune riflessioni sulla responsabilità del magistrato e dell'adsessor. Dolus, diligentia, culpa -- 257
J. Urbanik, Diligent carpenters in Dioscoros' papyri and the Justinianic (?) standard of diligence. On P. Cairo Masp. II 67158 and 67159 -- 273