Investigations on the "Entangled History" of Colonialism and Mission in a New Perspective

Investigations on the "Entangled History" of Colonialism and Mission in a New Perspective

Edited by Moritz Fischer and Michael Thiel

Imprint: LIT Verlag

  • Digital download
  • 9783643964137
  • January 2022

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The book investigates the "Entangled History of Colonialism and Mission" in a historical, global, regional-political, social, post-colonial, ethical, cultural-anthropological, religious, as well as missiological perspective. Past injustices and failures, as well as sustainable developments must be methodically clarified and understood that conclusions can positively influence our understanding. Traumata of the colonial past and its entanglement with mission shape the self-understanding of since long independent churches. Reflections on their experiences are important for an ongoing culture of remembrance.
