The fourteenth Current Research in Egyptology conference, held at the University of Cambridge in March 2013 brought together speakers and attendees from six continents and hosted more than 50 presentations covering multiple aspects of Egyptology and its related fields. The aim of the conference was to cross cultural and disciplinary boundaries. The papers presented in these proceedings reflect this aim by presenting current research that draws on insights derived from anthropology, archaeology, archaeobotany, ethnography, organic chemistry, geography, linguistics, and law, amongst others.
Symposium papers not included in this volume
Poster presentations
An excavation and geophysical survey in the Central Valley of the Valley of the Kings (Afifi Rohim Afifi and Glen Dash)
An Egyptian perspective: Demotic ostraca from Deir el-Bahari in the British Museum (Amy Bahé)
Two-for-one: Looking at Imperial Egyptian statues with Roman features in Egypt (Elizabeth Brophy)
Marshlands, drought, and the great famine: On the significance of the marshlands to Egypt at the end of the Old Kingdom (John Burn)
Barley revisited: Production of barley bread in Umm Mawagir (Kharga Oasis, Egypt) (René Cappers, Frits Heinrich, Simone Kaaijk, Federica Fantone, John Darnell and Colleen Manassa)
Sinuhe’s life abroad: Ethnoarchaeological and philological reconsiderations (Benjamin Hinson)
Crossing boundaries in ceramic studies: Applying chemical residue-analysis to Predynastic sherds from Hierakonpolis (Eman Khalifa)
Did Werethekau ‘Great of Magic’ have a cult? A disjunction between scholarly opinions and sources (Ahmed Mekawy Ouda)
Pseudo script in Gebel el Silsila: Preliminary results of the 2012 epigraphic survey (Maria Nilsson)
From sacred to law, a game of back and forth: The expressions a.wy n Hrr and s(y)HH in demotic (Amaury Pétigny)
From the realm of the dead to house of the god: The New Kingdom appeals to the living in their context at Thebes (Chiara Salvador)
The organization of seasonal labour during the Middle Kingdom (Micòl di Teodoro)
Foreign deities, frontier deities: Evidence from the Old Kingdom (Valeria Turriziani)
The Block Yard Project at Tell Edfu: Outline of methodology and preliminary results (Janelle Wade and Jonathan Winnerman)
The high life: Courtly etiquette in the Late Bronze Age Eastern Mediterranean (Carl Walsh)