Puspika 2 is the outcome of the second International Indology Graduate Research Symposium and presents the results of recent research by young scholars into pre-modern South Asian cultures with papers covering a variety of topics related to the intellectual traditions of the region. Focusing on textual sources in the languages in which they were composed, different disciplinary perceptions are offered on intellectual history, linguistics, philosophy, literary criticism and religious studies.
1. Refuge and Reform: Snakes, Gleaners and Nisadas in Early Kavya (Simon Brodbeck)
2. Like a Howling Pisaca: A Note on the Pronunciation of the Rgvedasamhita (Giovanni Ciotti)
3. Does the Subject Have Desires? The Atman in Prabhakara Mimamsa (Elisa Freschi)
4. Karakas in Candra Grammar: An Interpretation from the Pali Buddhist Sastras (Alastair Gornall)
5. The Three Jewels and the Formation of the Pancaratra Canon (Robert Leach)
6. Preliminary Survey of Sanskrit Manuscripts of the Bodhicaryavatara (Daniel Stender).
7. Asiddha vs. Assidhavat in Patanjali’s Mahabhasya (Malgorzata Sulich-Cowley)
8. Continuity and Change in Chandogya Upanisad 6.1-4 (Paolo Visigalli)